November 05, 2006
The Further Adventures Of Fuzzy Wuzzy
Fuzzy Wuzzy was a bear. That is to say he is a bear. You see Fuzzy Wuzzy isn't dead nor has his condition, which we will discuss in a moment, changed the core of his being. If you put a suit and tie on a duck and send him to Wall Street, he's still a duck. I would expect an unexpected rise in cracker stock though. So too is Fuzzy still a bear. He spends his days enjoying bear activities such as eating honey, long winter naps, and mauling tourists for their picnic baskets.

Fuzzy Wuzzy had no hair. No one is quite sure about the cause of this problem and, being a bear, Fuzzy isn't much on small talk. Is it some strange skin condition? Obsessive-compulsive shaving taken to the extreme? No one knows, except for Fuzzy's barber and he ain't talking. At least he wasn't talking until I slid a little money his way. According to him, Fuzzy comes in at least once a week and asks for a little off the top. The barber, unsure of where the top ends and the bottom begins, just shaves it all off. So far Fuzzy has never complained.

Fuzzy Wuzzy wasn't very fuzzy was he? This is a lie. Depending on the growth rate of bear hair and his frequency of barber visits there is a good chance that Fuzzy would be come just that. Of course he'd probably also become itchy. Maybe Itchy Ritchie would be a better name.

cravipat escaped the blue labyrinth long enough to write this.

0 adventurers found their way to the golden castle.

Words uncovered in the catacombs :