May 03, 2006
The landscape of children's literature has changed a lot since I've read about a feline in headgear. A large portion of it still feels familiar but those old friends have been joined by some new and somewhat strange neighbors, such as Pirates! With a title like that and being shaped like an actual pirate, my curiosity couldn't resist a quick peek.

The title is a pretty good summary. It's a book about pirates, I mean, pirates! It contains all the information a toddler may need if they have to write a report on pirates(!). Why they need to write a report and who assigned it is anyone's guess. I on the other hand learned that pirates kept cats on their ships to kill rats and one of their weapons of choice was a cutlass. In addition the invention of the steam engine forced them all to find new jobs, I believe as used car dealers or telemarketers.

In summary it seems no topic is too far fetched for a children's book. I can't wait for the sequel, Ninjas!

cravipat escaped the blue labyrinth long enough to write this.

4 adventurers found their way to the golden castle.

Words uncovered in the catacombs :