November 15, 2006
Ballad Of The Broken Bucket
Liza squinted her eyes against the harsh fluorescent lighting. "Why did I take a job that starts so early," she mumbled to herself. Taking a job stocking shelves at the local, big chain hardware store seemed like a good at the time, but she didn't factor in the customers. All employees were required to answer any questions the customers wandering the aisles might have. She hated it. Try as she could to blend into the shelves she was stocking but the brightly colored vest made Liza stand out like a sore thumb. That is how he spotted her. She could hear his slow shuffle coming towards her and turned to face him. Might as well get this over with, she thought.

"Excuse me," the man began while staring at her chest.

"Please be reading my name tag," she repeated to herself over and over.

"Liza," he continued, now making eye contact. "I have a bit of a problem. I've got a bucket that is in need of repair. There is a hole in the bucket."

"Well, sir," Liza began.

"Please, call me Henry," Henry interrupted.

"Ok, Henry. You might be able to find a dowel that you could use to plug up the hole. I believe they are in aisle 4."

"Thank you very much, Liza," Henry said as he shuffled off towards the dowels.

Liza when back to what she did best, piling things on shelves without rhyme or reason. The best part about the job was being able to let her mind drift. As long as no customers bothered her, Liza could work through an entire day without realizing it. Even now a half hour had passed without her noticing.

"Excuse me, Liza." Liza was shocked back to her senses and turned to see Henry standing there. "It seems I overestimated the size of the hole and ended up buying a dowel that is too big."

Liza waved towards the front of the store. "They should be able to help you at the customer service desk. You can exchange it for one that is a better size."

"Ah, but I left the dowel at home. I wonder what else could be done," Henry inquired.

"Well, Henry, you could cut the dowel so it would fit."

"That’s a fine idea."

"Axe and saws are in aisle 12," Liza indicated with a sweeping arc of her hand.

"Thank you again, Liza," Henry explained as he wandered off to make another purchase.

A half-hour later Liza was stocking a different shelf, but that didn't stop her new best friend.

"There you are, Liza. You won't believe what happened," Henry said. "I was looking at the axes when I realized I already have one at home, but when I got home and the thing was duller than a butter knife. I was hoping you might have a solution."

Liza irritation was starting to show. "Why don't you sharpen it, Henry?"

"Another great idea. How would I..."

Liza cut him off, "Sharpening stones are in aisle 12 next to the axes."

"You've been very helpful," Henry returned.

A half hour later, Liza was scrambling to hide. She turned a corner and nearly ran into Henry. My watch must be slow, she thought.

"Liza, just the person I was looking for," Henry exclaimed.

"Hello, Henry."

"The sharpening stone I bought doesn't seem to work. The axe is still dull."

"Did you follow the instructions," Liza asked. "I think you need to wet the stone."


"With water," Liza clarified.

"Now that's a problem," Henry said. "You see there's a hole in my bucket, Liza."

Liza could feel something snap. "Why don't you buy a new bucket, Henry," she screamed. With the weight of all the eyes in the store on her, Liza mumbled, "I guess it's time to find a new job."

cravipat escaped the blue labyrinth long enough to write this.

0 adventurers found their way to the golden castle.

Words uncovered in the catacombs :