July 11, 2006
Books I Haven't Written
Summertime is easy reading time. At least that's what the sign outside of the school near my house says. I think that sign gives kids the opportunity to complain about reading during the school year, since it implies it's not as easy to do then as in the summer.

Here are a few titles of books that are also hard to read even in the easy reading time of summer. It's not because they're full of big made-up words, like falaphilantaterist, or that they are a rare find with a limited print run. No one has written them yet.

Brunch with Nostradamus

What Now, Space Cow?

Strange Things Happen To A Seemingly Normal Person Who Turns Out Not To Be Normal But The Center Of A Complex Conspiracy And Then More Things Happen (Working Title)

I'll be back with a plot summary for each, but until then feel free to post your own theories.

cravipat escaped the blue labyrinth long enough to write this.

0 adventurers found their way to the golden castle.

Words uncovered in the catacombs : ,