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April 21, 2008
Snack Marriages
The easiest posts to write are the ones about food because everyone can relate. Everyone eats. Everyone also poops but I'm not sure I'd want that kind of attention if I started writing about it. So let’s get back to food. I feel it's my duty to spread the word about a recent revelation.Snack Marriages
Those tiny tree dwelling elves over at Keebler are at it again. This time they've managed to somehow merge pretzels and crackers into an unholy union they're calling Flipsides. You may have seen the commercial where their roving camera crew interviews "real people" on what they think about Flipsides. I could tell they were actors because not one of them said what I was thinking. What would make someone combine a pretzel and a cracker? Being the consumer driven drone that I am I went out and bought a box to find out.
I have to give them credit. They somehow managed to capture the two different flavors in one entity. Most people would let it drop and be satisfied that they found a new and interesting snack but thanks to Food Network's Unwrapped I needed to know how they were made. There's not a seam in the middle so I ruled out that the pretzel and cracker are created separately and later joined. As I pondered how two sides of the same whole could be cooked so differently the truth came to me.
Flipsides aren't an innovative new snack. They are an attempt to cash in on a costly mistake. Imagine, if you will, a machine built to cook crackers. One day the machine breaks down without anyone noticing and produces a batch of crackers that are slightly burnt but only on one side.
When broken in two you can see the inside of a Flipside cracker is the same all the way through. There is probably a bit more done to make it more pretzel like but for the most part you are eating a half burnt cracker. This is the point where I'd say now you know the rest of the story but I'll probably have my hands full with the Keebler legal team without having to look over my shoulder for Paul Harvey's goons.
cravipat escaped the blue labyrinth long enough to write this.
0 adventurers found their way to the golden castle.
Words uncovered in the catacombs : food