February 13, 2008
Abe's Dream Commandos
Have you seen the commercials where Abe Lincoln and a snarky groundhog harass some poor sleep deprived guy about getting hooked on sleeping pills? If you haven't or just want a recap I've cut the relevant pieces together.

I want to know what kind of dreams is Doug having. How do Abe, a groundhog and an antiquated deep sea diver relate to each other? Are they trying to unravel the link between Lincoln's assassination, Groundhog Day and the disappearance of Atlantis? Are they a team of unlikely super heroes? I need to know. I wonder if their pills come with a mini comic explaining everything.

cravipat escaped the blue labyrinth long enough to write this.

1 adventurer found their way to the golden castle.

Words uncovered in the catacombs :